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Table 1 Demographics

From: Are patients with high-risk polycythemia vera receiving cytoreductive medications? A retrospective analysis of real-world data


Low-risk PV (n = 1033)

High-risk PV (n = 1823)

All patients (N = 2856)

Mean (SD) age, years

49.7 (8.6)

69.7 (9.9)

62.5 (13.5)

Age group, n (%), years


73 (7.1)

5 (0.3)

78 (2.7)


573 (55.5)

86 (4.7)

659 (23.1)


387 (37.5)

522 (28.6)

909 (31.8)

  ≥ 65


1210 (66.4)

1210 (42.4)

Sex, n (%)


757 (73.3)

1125 (61.7)

1882 (65.9)


276 (26.7)

698 (38.3)

974 (34.1)

Geographic region, n (%)


402 (38.9)

558 (30.6)

960 (33.6)

 North Central

230 (22.3)

499 (27.4)

729 (25.5)


218 (21.1)

482 (26.4)

700 (24.5)


169 (16.4)

270 (14.8)

439 (15.4)


14 (1.4)

14 (0.8)

28 (1.0)

Insurance payer, n (%)


1033 (100)

613 (33.6)

1646 (57.6)



1210 (66.4)

1210 (42.4)

Insurance plan type, n (%)


669 (64.8)

943 (51.7)

1612 (56.4)


47 (4.5)

576 (31.6)

623 (21.8)


106 (10.3)

150 (8.2)

256 (9.0)


83 (8.0)

70 (3.8)

153 (5.4)


72 (7.0)

37 (2.0)

109 (3.8)


32 (3.1)

13 (0.7)

45 (1.6)


6 (0.6)

18 (1.0)

24 (0.8)

 POS with capitation

7 (0.7)

2 (0.1)

9 (0.3)


11 (1.1)

14 (0.8)

25 (0.9)

  1. Data assessed on the index date (January 1, 2013)
  2. CDHP consumer-driven health plan, EPO exclusive provider organization, HDHP high-deductible health plan, HMO health maintenance organization, NA not applicable, POS point of service, PPO preferred provider organization, PV polycythemia vera, SD standard deviation