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Table 1 Demographics and other baseline characteristics

From: Two-year long safety and efficacy of deferasirox film-coated tablets in patients with thalassemia or lower/intermediate risk MDS: phase 3 results from a subset of patients previously treated with deferasirox in the ECLIPSE study

Demographic variable

Deferasirox FCT, N = 53

Age (years), mean (SD)

32.9 (13.16)

Age category (years), n (%)

 < 18

3 (5.7)

 ≥ 18 to < 50

46 (86.8)

 ≥ 50 to < 65

1 (1.9)

 ≥ 65a

3 (5.7)

Sex, n (%)


18 (34.0)


35 (66.0)

BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD)

23.1 (3.81)

Predominant race, n (%)


50 (94.3)


1 (1.9)


2 (3.8)

Main underlying disease, n (%)

 MDS IPSS-R risk stratification

4 (7.5)

  Very low risk

2 (3.8)

  Low risk

1 (1.9)

  Intermediate risk

1 (1.9)


49 (92.5)

Time since diagnosis (years), mean (SD)

27.1 (9.97)


5.1 (1.91)


28.9 (7.99)

Prior ICT (received during the ECLIPSE study), n (%)

 Deferasirox DT

27 (50.9)

 Deferasirox FCT

26 (49.1)

Last ICT received before deferasirox FCT in the current study, n (%)


5 (9.4)

 Deferoxamine and deferiprone

3 (5.7)

 Deferasirox monotherapy

45 (84.9)

Transfusion history

 Total number of transfusions received over the past 12 months, mean (SD)

24.8 (10.52)

 Time since last blood transfusion (days), mean (SD)

8.0 (10.21)

Baseline serum ferritin (µg/L), mean (SD)

2524 (1746)

  1. BMI body mass index, DT dispersible tablet, FCT film-coated tablet, ICT iron chelation therapy, IPSS-R Revised International Prognostic Scoring System, MDS myelodysplastic syndrome, SD standard deviation, TDT transfusion-dependent thalassemia
  2. aThe oldest patient was 77 years old
  3. bOther included two patients who self-identified as white