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Fig. 1 | Experimental Hematology & Oncology

Fig. 1

From: VISTA drives macrophages towards a pro-tumoral phenotype that promotes cancer cell phagocytosis yet down-regulates T cell responses

Fig. 1

VISTA facilitated macrophage differentiation towards M2-like phenotype. (A) Representative pictures of VISTA transduced THP-1 cells upon PMA treatment for 48 h and VISTA transduced CD34+ cord blood (CB) cells upon GM-CSF treatment for 7 days. (B) The expression of genes was determined by RT-qPCR (relative to control) in THP-1 derived macrophages transduced with VISTA or empty vector (EV). Data is shown as changes in expression between the two groups quantified by the log fold change (FC) from three separate experiments. (C) Expression of CD14, CD80, CD86, CD163, and CD206 in VISTA or EV transduced THP-1 cells. (D) Expression level of the indicated genes in VISTA or EV transduced THP-1 cells upon 72-hour PMA treatment. E-G. Expression level of the indicated genes in M0-like (E), M2-like (F), and M1-like (G) macrophages derived from VISTA or EV transduced CD34+ CB cells. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 by student’s t-test

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